Business Plan

- Digital Magazine Golf In Apps / Curry culture
Digital Magazine is online version of regular magazines we read in everyday life. A major difference from offline regular magazines is that you can turn the page or go to any page you want by clicking instead of flipping over and download it instead of copying it with a copy machine. Digital Magazine facilitates you to keep, summarize and reload articles you read and allows implementation of a variety of advertising within the magazine, including video advertising, PPL through video promotion, direct link to advertiser’s telephone, location-based services (LBS) and social commerce.
- Social Commerce
Social Commerce is a newly coined word that combines commerce and social media is not restricted to online joint purchase services. Social Commerce is a new comprehensive concept distribution business that leverages on sharing “consumer’s experience with social network on a real time basis”.
- Mobile Apps
Brand Apps refer to mobile business applications designed to promote corporate brands, products and services as well as deliver corporate news and events. They are usually available for free of charge just like corporate journals and provide consumers with useful functions as well, enriching the mobile application markets. In countries with advanced smart phone market like US, it is common for any well-known company to retain one or two brand apps.
- Package Deal Service
Package Deal is a specific kind of mechanism of promotion & advertising that allows digital marketing agency to develop scenarios and contents in various media (PPL within Digital Magazine, Business Apps SNS marketing, Social Commerce), establish sponsorship with celebrity management companies and to consistently take advantage of advertising and promotional effects to meet advertising sponsors’ various needs.